King of Cups
Emotional balance, Wise, Advisor, Diplomatic
Emotionally overwhelmed, Cold, Anxious, Withdrawn
King of Cups
The King of Cups is a card that depicts emotional stability. They are calm, wise, and well balanced when it comes to their emotions. Here we see the King of Cups in a meditative pose, levitating two cups. The King and their reflection represent the light and dark. The fact that the King is in the same state in both the darkness and the light, shows that it's okay and natural to have dark feelings. We can have unpleasant thoughts and emotions but still come out with our heads held high. That's because the King knows to be friends with all of their emotions. Having emotional balance comes with a deeper understanding and awareness of ones self.
When faced with troubles that could throw you off balance, this card is here to remind you to take a step back and calm yourself. Ride the rough waters rather than tumble in them. Take a deep breath and sail until the waters have calmed once again. Remain mature and in control during tough situations, for it will always allow for the best possible outcome.
Card in Reverse:
In reverse, the King of Cups is an emotional mess. They are likely manipulative and moody. The King of Cups has lost control and handling difficult situations is no longer an easy task. They are no longer able to balance their own needs, nor the needs of others. This means that they may be kind to some, but cold to to others. It's also possible that they may try to manipulate other people in order to satisfy their own needs.
If you're finding it hard to balance your emotions right now, try to take a deeper look inside yourself. If there are people around you that are bothering you, though they don't mean to, ask yourself why they bother you so much. Is there something going on internally?
Well balanced at work, Respect from co-workers, Mentor, Admiration
Passionate and calming partner, Mature lover
Emotionally manipulative, Selfish partner, Not putting in the work
Emotionally unfulfilling job, Being selfish at work
Upright: The King of Cups represents an emotionally mature partner. They are able to stay calm and collected when tensions rise. Alternatively, if this does not represent you or someone in your life, this card can remind us to listen to both our hearts and our intuition when it comes to love. Practice understanding and compassion. Learn from past mistakes and break old patterns. When in a relationship with someone like the King of Cups, the love you feel will be very rewarding, secure, and deep.
Reverse: The King of Cups reversed in love can represent a manipulative and/or selfish partner. They may use others to get what they want. If this doesn't sound like someone you're currently with, alternatively this card can ask us to check in with our own actions. Have you been committing any selfish acts? Have you been putting enough effort into the relationship?
Upright: The King of Cups can suggest a mature, compassionate mentor that helps create an emotionally satisfying career. They are able to balance their work load and needs, making things run smoothly. People are naturally drawn to you and admire you, due to your ability to maintain balance at work. Alternatively, if this doesn't sound like you or someone you work with, this card can remind us to try and maintain balance at work. What can we do to help ourselves feel more organized?
Reverse: It's possible that you could be working with someone who causes a lot of stress. You could have a boss or co-worker who is quite selfish and isn't able to handle their emotions very well. They might have big insecurities and will try to control others to get their way. Alternatively, if this doesn't sound like someone you work with, then we must look at ourselves. Have you committed any selfish acts at work? Have there been any complaints made about you? If so, the King of Cups is reminding you to take a look inward and see if you can reconnect with yourself to try and create balance in your life.