Hello everyone!
Here are some updates:
We are currently sending out orders from mid/late November.
December orders will be sewn together next very soon, there weren't many orders in December so we should be able to fly through those very fast!
We are currently stitching out January orders on our machines.
COMMISSIONS: I have roughly 16 people left on my waiting list. I have contacted EVERYONE (on March 13th) on the list to make sure they are still interested in a custom order. One thing that has slowed down the process is I get a lot of people who ghost me. So far a small handful of people have replied, which is fantastic! I look forward to working with you!! For the rest of the people on the list, they have until the 20th to contact me. If I do not hear from them, they will be removed from the list.
Once everyone has been served, I'll be opening a commission deposit "product" on my page and will accept 3-4 at a time. The deposit will go toward the total of the commission. :)
I am currently reworking my Revenant mask design. Everyone who has ordered a Revenant mask will be receiving the old design as that is what they were promised!
If you'd like a peek at what the new design will be like, I have already updated the preview game for you! Click here to play: https://meiker.io/play/14862/online.html
I will be reworking the Butterfly mask next. This design may end up looking quite different. The reason I want to redesign it is because I can only use a particular hoop size with a particular stabilizer size, which has been a bit hard to come by lately. So if I can make the mask hit on my smaller hoops, then I'll be able to do them more regularly.
I will also be finalizing some Patreon only designs. My apologies for them taking a while, there were other things going on in my life that took me away from them. But I am in hole-patching mode now and am working on solidifying everything. :) A lot of things blew up pretty fast for me for a while there, and now that things have sort of tempered, I can go back and do some touch ups. Still super busy and feel like I need to clone myself 3 times in over to get everything done. 😂 But I'm managing! I greatly appreciate everyone's support and patience with me!!
ETSY: I opened an Etsy shop! The reason being is, I searched Phantomasy on Google recently, and I found that Phantomasy was a searched topic on Etsy. I figured that I would reopen a shop on there (though Etsy doesn't allow you to use the same shop name twice, so it's now called PhantomasyOfficial) to reach more customers! For now I will only be posting Ready to Ship and One of a kind items there. HOWEVER, Etsy still has not connected my bank account and I am having one hell of a time trying to get it fixed. I've tried over 5 times now and have opened an ongoing ticket with them to try and resolve it. Until it is fixed, I wont be posting anymore items there. I want to be sure that I can deposit the money that is currently sitting there into my account first...
As always, if there is anything that you are confused about, would like to know, or if you have any comments, please always feel free to email me at contact@phantomasy.com, DM me on Instagram, or DM me on Discord!