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Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands shows us a Pixie carrying ten wands. The weight of the wands is heavy and causes them to slouch over. This card tells us that you may have many responsibilities. Perhaps they are responsibilities that have fallen on you, such as taking care of a family member, a new role at work or school, etc. It feels like you're shouldering a lot right now, and it's causing you to feel a bit stressed out, even if you don't necessarily mind taking on the tasks. Alternatively, you may have voluntarily taken on new responsibilities, perhaps, too many responsibilities? Take note of how these tasks are affecting you. Regardless of where these new responsibilities came from, make sure you have a healthy balance of work, play and self care. You can't do anything if you're breaking down. You wont be able to take care of others or do anything else if you don't take care of yourself first. You cannot pour from an empty cup.


Obligation, Responsibility, Duty, Stress


Burning out, Breaking down, Taking on too much

Card in Reverse:

The Ten of Wands in reverse suggests that maybe you've given yourself too many unnecessary responsibilities. You're putting too much stress on your shoulders when there is no need for it. Sometimes things may seem more overwhelming than they actually are. Take a deep breath and try to pull yourself away from all that weighs you down. What is truly necessary and what isn't? If time management is difficult for you, time yourself when you're completing tasks. Alternatively, are there tasks that you've given to yourself that maybe someone else could do? The Ten of Wands wants to remind you that it is okay to ask for help. Everyone needs help sometimes, and we can't possibly do everything ourselves all the time. Communicate with someone that is close to you and see if they can help you with your tasks.




Stress of responsibilities affecting love


Unable to share burdens with partner


Overworked, Needing help at work


Burn out, Relief from burdens at work

Upright: Your love life may be strongly affected by your responsibilities at work, school, or something else at this time. Perhaps at the end of the day you just feel like you need sleep or time to yourself. Maybe you're finding that you don't have a lot of time to spend with your partner, or dating in general. If you are currently with someone, it could be causing a rift between you two. If you're wanting to fix this, try communicating with your partner to find a solution. What compromises can you make? Can your partner help you at all with anything? Or if you are currently single and looking to date, take a look at your schedule and see if there is anything you can work around. In the end, the most important thing that the Ten of Wands wants you to focus on is yourself. Make sure that you are actually in the right space - mentally and physically - for a relationship if that is something you truly desire.

Reverse: You may be struggling to be vulnerable with your partner at this time. Perhaps you are taking on a lot of responsibilities that realistically you could both share. Perhaps you are taking on more chores than your partner, or you're fulfilling more of the responsibilities. It is okay to ask your partner for help - you are supposed to be a team. If you feel like you're too scared to ask for help, maybe there is something deeper going on within you or your relationship. We shouldn't feel scared of/around our loved one. Alternatively, you could be lacking in trust. Perhaps you feel like you can't trust your partner to take on the responsibilities. Is this true? Or is this something that you've maybe made up? Regardless of the circumstance, it is important to communicate with your partner. If you don't, you could build up resentment towards them, which will cause a lot of strain on your relationship.

Upright: You may be feeling overworked at work right now. Things are stressful and it just feels like the list keeps on growing with no end in sight. The Ten of Wands suggests that maybe you have too many responsibilities and need someone to take some of the weight off you. It's easy to compare ourselves to other people when it comes to work. We look at others and think that we're doing poorly because it seems like they have everything handled. Don't pay attention to what anyone else is doing at this time, all that matters is you and how you are feeling/performing. We all have different sized plates, made of different materials, if your plate is full, then your plate is full. See if there is anyone you can talk to about relieving you of some of your tasks. Alternatively, if this job doesn't seem like it's going to be a good fit for you in the long run, ask yourself what it is you truly want out of a job.

Reverse: Burdens at work may be ending now. Perhaps you realized a little while back that the task at hand was too much to handle on your own, and you're now reaping the benefits of listening to your gut. Stress is lifting and the weight has become lighter. Alternatively, if you did not spread the work around or failed to organize your time, you may likely be breaking/broke under pressure. Either way, the work load is no longer on your shoulders and you can take some time for yourself to regather your strength.

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