Three of Swords

Grief, Sadness, Loss, Separation, Trauma
Recovery, Healing, Forgiveness, Making amends
Three of Swords
This card shows us three swords stabbed into severed Pixie wings. It is an image of loss, trauma, grief, sadness and separation. Needless to say, this card definitely represents a rather unhappy point in one's life. Just know that it is absolutely normal to go through difficult times in our lives. Grief and pain are inevitable and sometimes often necessary to experience in order to grow. While this card may not be welcomed, understand that whatever it is you are going through will strengthen and mature you as a person. Think of each difficult moment in your life as stepping stones. This path of stepping stones will lead you to something deeper and more meaningful in life. It's okay to sit in our dark moments and truly feel them, just don't allow yourself to stay there for too long. Feel all the unwanted feelings, and when you are ready, you'll be able to get back up again with new-found strength.
Card in Reverse:
In reverse, this card has a much more uplifting feeling. While this card still may be dark and heavy, it tells us that you are healing from a recent trauma. You may still be recovering, but you are on the right path to getting better. It's time to let the pain go and start moving forward. Sometimes it feels like our struggles will never end and that they will last forever, but the Three of Swords is here to remind you that difficult times do end. You will rise up.

Loss of a job, Feeling stuck, Arguments at work
Conflict, Separation, Arguments, Breakups
Forgiveness, Moving on, Recovering from heartbreak
Resolving conflicts, Moving past tough times, Learning better communication
Upright: Unfortunately, the Three of Swords indicates struggles in love at this time. Perhaps you've been experiencing conflict in your relationship and arguments seem to be more frequent. It's possible that you are going to experience a breakup soon, are currently going through one, or have recently gone through one and are finding it hard to cope. Give yourself time to heal, do not push yourself to get over anything too quickly. Allow yourself to feel the emotions, even if they feel terrible. Once you allow yourself to truly feel them, then the healing process will be much easier.
If you are currently single and looking to date, but are finding it hard, perhaps you still have some old wounds that need healing. Look deep inside, ask yourself the hard questions, and be patient and compassionate with yourself.
Reverse: You and your loved one may be starting to resolve some conflicts. Harmful words may have been exchanged in the past, and you are both learning forgiveness. Or perhaps you've left a toxic relationship that was causing you more harm than good. What once felt so heavy and stuck, now feels light and flowing. You are ready to start healing and moving towards happiness. Things may still feel a little painful at this time, but know that the Three of Swords is telling you that you are on the path to recovery and success.
Upright: Stress is high at work right now. You may be experiencing conflicts with your boss, co-workers or customers. If this is the case, try to practice patience and listening. Treat those around you with respect and work on better communication. Go in with an open mind, adopting the mindset of a student. What can you learn from each other? Alternatively, perhaps there's been a dip at work and things aren't looking so good. Or maybe you've recently lost your job. Whatever the case, things are feeling particularly difficult right now, and it feels like there is no easy solution. Know that this, too, shall pass.
Reverse: Tough times are starting to subside. Things are looking better and feeling easier. Disagreements are starting to resolve themselves and the energy at work just has a happier feel to it. Better communication was practiced and things seem to be moving much smoother. Perhaps someone in the work place that was causing an issue has now left, leaving the work place feeling much better.
Alternatively, if you just left/lost a job, new opportunities are popping up that seem to be a much better fit. When it comes to work, you are definitely on the right track!